Materials Arrive

The Hubs The hub kit arrived after a few days and was roughly the volume of 2 shoeboxes. This is the 3V frequency option and can be used for all angles stay the same only the appropriate stick lengths change. (see calculator ) Core Hub Module llooks like this. (smaller than you'd think) Ball joint clips into the hexagonal / pentagonal connector and secured by screw, washer and wing nut combo. The ball joint is attached to your stick of choice via a screw that extends 3.2cm into same to end up coincedent with the flat of the ball joint arm. Takes a little force to clip the ball into the socket and a little play in the angle of the ball wrt the joint but generally feels good. 61 hubs in all for this dome and 360 ball joints to connect everything up......A lotta lotta work need to get it right first time. (some trials required re ball to stick connectivity). The Poles The bamboo poles followed a few days later. Ordering is done in 4m lengths which you can have deliv...