March 10th - mid pandemic update

Progress has been slow but steady off-late thanks to non-deliveries of dowels from the UK (brexit) and a certain lack of focus from pandemic blues, for want of a better term. However, the current status is All sticks or struts manufactured. Polythene unit cells being assembled Site has been attacked with weedkiller and soil turned. Concrete blocks sourced. Numerous seeds are being cultivated in trays. Polythene Cover Cells So....after a couple of previous trials working with the original 'triangle' base units I quickly realised I could save a lot of time / effort and tape by making larger base cells. Whilst in theory it is possible to construct single cells from the core haxagons and pentagons I decided to use 1/2 heaxagon units due to difficulties in handling, lousy weather outside and therefore strict limitations on indoor area available to stretch out polythene film. The core thing about the hexagon patterns is that they are not real pentagons due to the raised cent...