Dome II - she lives!

 Well....I did a lot of what I said I would after demise of DOME I in storm Barra 7/12/2021 and rebuilt the dome with only a few small repairs to the cover and a couple of bamboo poles.

Somewhat bizzarrely , rather than using stacks of cement blocks to raise the dome to allow the underlying layer to be added....I happened to have a set of dining room chairs resting in my garage.

Anyway, though this was a larger strain on the structure the vertical ,movement of the dome onto the chair seats could be acheived far more quickly than moving loads of blocks ...and so was a shorter and less periolous assembly.

Second time around the slackening and straighten and re-tightening operation of each of the hexagonal and pentagonal connectors was realised more efficiently and I am convinced Dome II is more inherently stable than Dome I.

With Polythene cover in place and raring to go. Only 2 or 3 days before annual need to protect against wind catching under edge of dome and arrange irrigation for plants before I go.

2 weeks basking in the Portuguese Sunshine.

So....There we have it. Although Dome was wrecked ....once its down the unit materials are all very strong in their own way. Contemplating adding a windbreak perimeter as ....though removing the cover for a day or two isnt that difficult....what happens to all the plants within if I do. Maybe a windbreak to take the heat out of the wind will be successful it di survive an awful beating for a long time last December. I'll keep you posted.


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